Episode 3 Haunted Hills Podcast

3. Brown Coal Mine True Crime Episode

Event Details

This event is running from 29 March 2020 until 30 March 2025. It is next occurring on March 30, 2025 7:00 pm

True Crime in the Brown Coal Mine

3rd Episode Brown Coal Mine True Crime first published on 29 March 2020 at 4pm.

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In the third episode true crime from the Brown Coal Mine, if you listened to our podcast, on Brown Coal Mine – History, you’d have met some heroes and a fiercely independent community.

When Haunted Hills looks at crimes, it is an interesting reflection on the past, the values, timeliness, and sense of justice. Yallourn North had a wide variety of criminals. Many are unknown. Some were more akin to slapstick comedians, and some are serious villains.
Even so, no citizen of the Brown Coal Mine ever received a death sentence.
 Rumour has it some of the Kelly gang spent time in the hills around Yallourn North while hiding from the police.
It is never proven, just a legend.
Discover the true crimes of this small town by listening to the podcast.
While patrons are able to play judge and jury we are not re-adjudicating these crimes
most of them occurred too long ago to be appropriate
however, these discussions create an interesting contrast of values

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There is a crime that occurs on Halloween – but it is not a strictly Halloween episode. If that is something you want to let me know.

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This post was written by Tegan Dawson