Indonesian Walking Dead

This video went viral as you’d expect, with proof of zombies. The Indonesian Walking Dead appears the mummy is in motion.

It isn’t the first time we’ve written about living mummies.

The rumours, as you can imagine, with the beautiful invention of the internet, went wild. One of the theories was that the corpses are reanimated by black magic, helping walk to their final resting place – high in limestone caves. Believed if someone points at the body, it will fall to the ground unable to finish the journey.

A tiny insight into some of the customs of Toraja, Indonesia

It’s a partial truth. The truth is a lot of the Torajan bury their deceased in caves, high in the mountains. The photo and video aren’t fakes, but they’re also not of reanimated corpses. Processing the dead is to keep the dead in their home, until the funeral season, the dry season, which is July to September. In life, the people of Toraja, a mostly Christian population save and plan for their final home. The people direct their Wealth is directed to creating the home they will live in the longest  – the limestone cave in the mountain above their living homes.

Funerals in Toraja are a massive celebration not unlike the day of the dead (Mexican festival) however this celebration with singing, dancing and celebrating the life of the deceased – with their embalmed body present. Family members assist their deceased loved ones in walking to their burial place.

Family members walk the corpses in straight lines for ensuring safe passage to their afterlife on the way to the final resting place of their body. The Torajan people believe their ancestors walked downstairs from heaven, but now the staircase is missing, so they found the next best thing, resting places high in the mountains. The family members walk their dead to their final home.

That’s not the end of Toraja’s burial custom. Family members wash the corpses in August and take them for a walk around the village in straight lines until they return to their forever home. Some mummies walk as far to their town of origin to ensure their continued peaceful rest because disconnection from the village may cause them unrest.

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More reading about mummies:





What happens when graves become haunted or worse cursed?


While we wait for the Zombies jump out at us – you can find more ghostly tales here.

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