2. Brown Coal Mine History Episode

Event Details

This event is running from 15 March 2020 until 30 April 2030. It is next occurring on April 30, 2030 4:00 pm

The second episode of the Haunted Hills podcast, in this episode Tegan Dawson narrates the history of the Brown Coal Mine a small town with big stories. In this podcast, you’ll meet the butcher, baker, maybe the candlestick maker, the healers, everyday heroes, and many many others. The town is chockablock of personalities, who lived entire lives here or passed by adding to the complex small town tapestry.

Thank you to all the people from Yallourn North who shared their families stories although you will probably hear some stories you hadn’t before too. It’s so great the locals shared their stories because their past reveals what the town was.

If you’re in the local area, explore the Brown Coal Mine History Podcast on location! If you have the nerve.


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The Brown Coal Mine History Episode

Most history tells the story of the buildings and influential people. They’ve got their dues, and you know their names. The regular people worked hard and shaped and developed the town as well.

Haunted Hills tells the small-town story about everyday people using different locations around Yallourn North. You can visit some of these places in person if you wish.

It is people who make a town. Policy contributes, but some people, especially the people of Yallourn North, had a streak of independence, they needed it.

We’re not leaving the people of Yallourn North as names in the family tree at the start of family bibles or hidden pages in private accounts on genealogy sites.

Enhance your listening experience by checking out the Yallourn North History and District Place at the Brown Coal Mine Museum.

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This post was written by Tegan Dawson