Poltergeists and pushy ghosts

Firstly a word of warning: Be careful while most poltergeists appear mischievous, but it’s best to get professional intervention as soon as possible, priest, church leader, medium, spiritual healer. Some people have successfully negotiated to live peacefully with poltergeists.

The term poltergeist is a German word meaning noisy ghost. Not all people who deal with spooks consider it a ghost, as it rarely forms an apparition, and it may not be a spirit of a loved one who’s passed. A poltergeist is rarely caught on film as though they’re using energy on affecting the natural environment over being visible. There are shadows or distortions on some that look more authentic.

There are stories of things going thump while nothing is disturbed through to water running down walls, and other poltergeist symptoms in between. Commonly attributed poltergeist activity is on still night windows rattle, doors slam or things open or move with no reason.

Levitation as a symptom of poltergeist activity

Levitation is attributed to poltergeists made famous through the “Enfield Poltergeist”. Two police saw an armchair levitate, they looked for wires, magnets and every other thing they could think of and couldn’t find a reason, however, couldn’t proceed with an investigation as no laws broken. Many ghost hunters visited the house, and the girls sometimes played pranks on them; yet, they were unable to explain the other symptoms. They saw things moving on their own, the girls’ mother saw the dresser moved across the bedroom, blocking the door. The mother ran to it. It rammed into at first and then she pushed it back in place. Sceptics believed the children were playing pranks. However, too many people had consistently difficult experiences in the house, and as such, the house is considered genuinely haunted.

Listen to the Haunted Hills Podcast

Find us on your favourite podcast player or application. Listen where ever you are or if you have the nerve on location. Small Towns Big Stories. Listen here:

Here’s a playlist of poltergeist clips from YouTube:

Poltergeists seem to be mischievous mostly, but it is serious, and you should seek some form of help. As one of the theories about spirits absorbs energy, so use less energy, keep calm and seek advice. However lately a lot of footage is collecting with pushy ghosts. Literally on CCTV people are falling over and there is no or some distortion, and they fall as though pushed.

There have been very few reported symptoms of hauntings in those areas, although some are hotels, and it may not be good business to accept the signs. Also, it would be difficult to know if it is a ghost someone brought in. Or if it was one that always was there.

Do you have any theories why pushy ghosts are cropping up or are all these fakes and people good at falling?

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