7. Rosedale Ghost Episode

Event Details

This event is running from 24 May 2020 until 25 February 2025. It is next occurring on February 25, 2025

The stories from the Rosedale ghost episode

Death was a constant companion in Rosedale. People died in all manner of ways, some peaceful but not willing to leave after all that work after carving out their place making it a home.
Death left many spirits in its wake. Maybe some of the spirits were always elemental spirits. This makes up the Rosedale Ghost episode stories.

Firstly the reason these stories are important to me is that ghosts were people once. It’s fascinating to learn about how they lived what they did. Their presence gives us a glimpse into the lives of regular people in these towns.

 You don’t have to believe in ghosts to enjoy the narrative. Not all spectres are fearsome and angry, some want to communicate, after all, they were people.
It’s not as though death steals our humanity usually the circumstances of life or choices we make do that.
That’s a different kind of story that haunts me.

The Rosedale Ghost episode releases a week early for patrons

Exclusive post Episode 7: Script Rosedale Ghost stories(Opens in a new browser tab)

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This post was written by Tegan Dawson