How to take ghost photos

 (Tips to take photos of ghosts, and apps to fake it)
Firstly, to take ghost photos, you need to find a location that is reportedly haunted or a person who experiences a lot of paranormal activity.

Ghosts are drawn to some people and animals so having other subjects in the frame is a good idea. This will increase the likelihood of capturing a ghost. If you experience something paranormal try to take a photo as quickly as possible, following the directions below.

If you experience something paranormal try to take a photo as steadily and quickly as possible, following the directions below.

The right conditions

Try to avoid windy, dusty or wet conditions as they can cause orbs that aren’t spiritual.

Use the right settings for the conditions, for example, if taking photos at night, use night settings. Low light will cause blurry photos and if there is something there it will forever be in question due to the bad camera work.

Putting the camera on something sturdy is a good idea too, to avoid blurry shots from the photographer shaking.

Tie back your hair if you have long hair, it can float in front of the camera and cause pictures to come out differently.

Avoid reflective surfaces as these give feedback and may affect the lenses and what is captured rendering the photo unable to be verified.

How to take artistic ghost shots

If you have an SLR camera you can set the timer in a darker area, run in the frame and leave before the shutter goes off. This way you can appear ghosted in the picture.

There are many apps you can use and many of them are free – freak out your friends today.

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